Italian manufacturers and suppliers of Luxury Italian Leather Handbags
For resellers and private label!
Many companies manufacture the best and most sought-after luxury handbags in Italy. They offer really unique and exclusive leather bags in an unprecedented range of fantastic models and styles made by skilled artisans.
Exclusive bags & purses to boost your sales!
Handbags can be made from calf leather, expensive exotic skins (such as crocodile, python, ostrich, lizard), high-quality fabrics, or other materials. The Italian manufacturers, artisans, and brands are highly experienced in handbag production.
Luxury Italian handbags (including shoulder bags, leather handbags, canvas bags, backpacks, purses, totes, and faux leather bags) are the best in the world. Designed in classic or innovative, trendy styles, they are made in Italy using the best materials.
Are you looking for luxury and unique Italian handbags direct from Italy? Visit the ItalianModa B2B marketplace where you can find many Italian factories, talented artisans, wholesale suppliers, and brands of luxury Italian handbags. The B2B marketplace allows you to find, select, and get in touch with a selection of Italian handbag companies quickly and for free. This is your best tool to find an unprecedented source of luxury handbags at the best wholesale prices: purchase direct from the manufacturers and brands, in Italy.
Many Italian bag manufacturers or artisans let you customize their models with your own label and the sought-after "made in Italy" claim ("White label").
You can also bring your original handbag designs or tech packs and have them manufactured in Italy with the highest quality and the best materials. Many Italian bag makers offer a Private Label service: you can design your private line of Italian bags!